Basa fish is a member of the catfish family, farm-raised in fresh water. The flavor of the basa is milder and more delicate than other catfish. When you cook or grill it you also do not get that fishy smell all around your home.
Basa are native to the Mekong River Delta in Vietnam and Chao Phraya basin. The basa fish are important food resource with an international market. The basa fish has grown more popular in the western market the later years. It is now available in many supermarkets. Since the basa fish is an imported fish you will most often buy it frozen.
Basa fish is typically grilled much like we grill salmon. I usually give it a brush with some butter. You can use garlic butter if you want to. Spice up the basa fish with some white pepper or other spices as well to give it extra taste. You can add lemon and lime at the end to give it some extra flavor.
After you have spiced it up and prepared it for the grill you should pack it in aluminum foil. Just take a sheet of aluminum foil and wrap it around the basa fish filet. You are now ready to grill the basa fish.
People usually have different opinions about how long basa fish is supposed to be on the grill. The basic is you want them to be cooked, but not over-cooked. I use to put them on one side for 10 minutes, turn them around and leave them there for 10 additional minutes. The general rule is between 10 and 15 minutes, but they can easily be over-cooked.
I hope you got the main idea on how to grill basa fish. The rest is now up to you. You can buy basa fish in several supermarkets, and you can test new ingredients and spices if you want to.
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